Our parents are a beautiful gift of god. This is not just a statement. It is true, you can see there are a lot of examples where parents endangered their life for saving their children. Parents do everything for giving a suitable lifestyle to their children.
In the article, we will talk about a man who used the lady’s bathroom. So, stay tuned for the article to know more about why is he using the ladies’ bathroom. There are frequently asked questions in the last of the article.

Dad “Protects” Baby Daughter by Taking Her Into the Women’s Bathroom, Avoiding “Disgusting” Men’s Bathroom
This was done by Muhammed Nitoto who is a blogger Chronicles of Daddy. There are lots of fathers who was stuck in this situation and They take the help of other women who takes their child with them and does their job. Nitoto does great work by he is not taken his child to the men’s bathroom, cause the men’s bathroom smell very bad and looks very dirty.
He shares a post on Instagram with a long caption, “I TAKE MY DAUGHTER TO THE GIRLS BATHROOM!
As a dad being out with daughters I never thought the bathroom would become as big as a issue as it is. Usually we would go places and they have FAMILY bathroom which are meant for people with children but what I found was most places don’t have them and Dads are left to decide between taking their daughters to the men’s bathroom or the women’s. Now when first hit with this choice I did what most men would do which is, I went to the Men’s bathroom. Now I’ve been to a men’s bathroom millions of times but walking in with your daughter makes you look at it completely different. Men’s bathrooms are DISGUSTING. They smell like pee and nothing is setup for a woman or a person with a child. The changing table was right next to the urinal which means my child literally would be next to where men pee which she’s being charged. Not to mention that their are men going in and out while you’re in their. After doing that 1 time I decided I’d never take my daughter’s to the men’s bathroom again. I use the women’s bathroom when I’m out with them. They are too young to go on their own so I have to go in with them. I try to be as respectful to women as I can while doing so which consists of knocking on the door before entering and announcing myself. Making sure if someone is inside that they know I am a Dad coming in with his daughter and making sure they are comfortable with that. Now once inside our stall I still am aware of the door and whenever I hear it open and someone new is coming in I announce myself again and make sure they know I’m inside with my child so that they aren’t surprised. Women’s bathrooms are so much cleaner and setup prefect just incase they have children. The changing station is usually insure a stall instead of just in the open and it’s always clean. As a girl dad I can’t help but want to protect my daughter’s from all things that aren’t for them and the men’s bathroom is 100% one of those things. Am I the only one? Ladies how does this make you feel?”
There are lots of a parent who relate his situation to Nitito. They said, “ “Totally, I’m a single mum to boys one of whom is autistic and even though they’re getting older I still take them to the ladies with me. I’ve had comments about them being too old (7 & 6) but I want them to be safe and I don’t feel comfortable with them going into a men’s bathroom alone nor will I go into one if they call me for help. Family bathrooms are a necessity and decent changing facilities cannot be overlooked. Well done for stick to what is safe and comfortable for you and your child.”.
Most Instagram users start commenting under the post of Nitoto. One commented, “Not only protecting your daughters but teaching them what respect for women looks like! 👏👏👏👏” Another user commented, “It’s amazing to me you are a father…. but your comment on guns seems to disregard them…. children aren’t even protected in schools! It could be yours at any time! Yet you want to follow a trend? Disgusting! YEA I SAID IT! YOUR COMMENT IS DISGUSTING!”
In this big world, different people have a different mindsets with a different mentality. So, what’s your opinion about Nitoto’s decision?
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1. On Which bathroom does Nitito go with his baby daughter?
Ans. Nitito went to in Ladies’bathroom.
Q2. What is the reason behind he is not using the Gent’s bathroom?
Ans. The Gent’s bathroom does not have any setup for women or persons with children.
Q3. What is their Instagram handle?
Ans. @chroniclesofdaddy is the Instagram handle of Nitoto.