Most of the time our parents become very tough when they decide to give punishment. Sometimes these tough punishment is a reason for argument among our parents. Sometimes a small fight turns into a big one.
A man shares something which is similar to this. So, take a deep look at the article. We will discuss all the about on man’s posts on Reddit. There are some frequently asked questions in the last of the article.

A mom punished her daughter by removing her prosthetic arm.
Most of the time people often post their stories on Reddit’s “AmItheA—” forum to get an opinion of other people on whether or not what they did was fishy. Actually, A divorced father says when he went to pick up his children from their Ex-wife’s home, he noticed that his daughter was missing prosthetics. When he found out what was happening, he scolded the mother of his children in front of him. He shares a post on the subreddit but now the original post is deleted.
“AITA for calling my ex a horrible mother and cussing her out in front of our children after she punished our daughter by taking away her prosthetic? My ex and have an 11 year old daughter and 8 year old son, and divorced shortly after our son was born. We’re both still single, and I get the kids every other weekend.”
He writes, “My daughter unfortunately had to have her left arm amputated due to cancer as a toddler, so now she has a prosthetic. Or a Our daughter recently got in trouble in school, she helped several of her friends cheat on what’s essentiallythe elementary school equivalent of final exams.”
“This knocked their final grade down a letter, and got all of them suspended for two days plus three days detention. My ex was punishing her, and just asked me to follow the basic guidelines if nothing else (No electronics, no hanging out with friends, yada yada) which was fine. When I went to pick the kids up Friday, I noticed my daughter didn’t have her prosthetic. While she doesn’t always wear it, she always takes it with her when she comes over. That was odd so I asked her what was up, and she told me her mother had taken it for the week.” he also write.
“I was enraged, but kept it together at first. I went inside and told her mother to give me her arm, and she said fine, probably because I looked like I was about to have a coronary. As I was leaving I told her I was going to talk to my lawyer about having custody changed, and she followed me to the car and said I was trying to spoil the kids and this is why she’s misbehaving.”
“I lost it. I called her a terrible mother, and went into a bit of a frenzy. I cussed her out in front of the kids, I said if I had my way she’d never see them again, and said some other very colorful insults. By the time I left both the kids were crying, and we all felt terrible. I don’t regret what I said, but maybe it was wrong for the kids to see it. Either way I decided not to punish my daughter at all for cheating, detention and not having an arm for four days was enough.”
After reading all the situation lots of people started commenting on his post. One user commented, ‘Right? Like this is sooo messed up x.x I meam punishment like, not going out or getting the phone taken, okay. That’s reasonable! But taking her prosthetic is a BIG no no!” Another user commented, “Little Jane cheated on a test so now she doesn’t get to have an arm.”
According to me, The mother should have only punished her children, she had no wrong motive, but the father’s anger was right in its place that it was too harsh to take away her prosthetic arm.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1. Do the father and mother become still together with his children?
Ans. No, the father and mother become separated or single.
Q2. Who gave the punishment to the girl?
Ans. The Ex-wife of the Man gave the punishment to his daughter.
Q3. What is the reason behind punishment?
Ans. The daughter helps her friend to cheat in exams.