Nobody Messes With My Kids: A Tiktok video went viral on social media, which gathered a lot of people’s attention. In the video, a mom recorded herself confronting her son’s Bully by an elementary school girl. In this article, we will take a closer look at viral tiktok video, so read ahead to know more.
A Mom Confronts Son’s Elementary School Bully:
Recently, a mom sparked a viral tiktok debate after she filmed a video of herself confronting her son’s bully. The viral video went viral and gained around 2 million views and also several comments. So, what happened in the video, dive into the video.
First of all, a mom of a son came to an elementary school girl, who was going to her concert in the college while taking her meal. Meanwhile, the mom of a son confronts her and said, “I’m Abraham’s mom and he’s been telling me that you have been bullying him and I’d like to ask you to stop.”
Tiktok video uploaded by Bettina Ramirez (@bizi_be) and captioned in the video:
This little girl was relentlessly picking on my son at school so I went to confront her myself. I tried reaching out to her parents but wasn’t able to speak to them. I recorded it so that she could not exaggerate anything I told her. Nobody messes with my kids!!
Nobody Messes With My Kids: Viral Tiktok Video
Then, the little girl, replied “Yes I’m gonna go to the concert right now okay” According to the young mom, her son was getting bullied by this little girl and her friends while saying Gay. Afterward, The young mother said while daunting her, “Don’t mess with my son Do you understand me”
After that, she said, the next time his son would tell her that she is bullying him again. She will go to her parents to complain.
For Example, if someone bullies your children at school and you intervene in that incident then it would be the topic of debate apparently, so you should teach your son how to handle these situations while verbally and physically, so that, it could not be a big debate and apple of discord as well.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Q.1 What is Tiktok?
Ans. Tiktok is a social media platform, where everyone can create a short video for fun.
Q.2 What is the “Nobody Messes With My Kids” video?
Ans. “Nobody Messes With My Kids” is a trend on tiktok, which went viral on social media.
Q.3 How Many Views Has the Viral Video Gained?
Ans. The viral tiktok video of “A Mom Confronts Son’s Elementary School Bully” gained around 2 million views on Tiktok.