Arnav Kapur MIT Media Lab: Recently a shocking news has come out from a student that developed an AI tool that can help those people who have any kind of speech difficulty. The student recognized as “Arnav Kapur” who is currently completing his Ph.D. in the United States.
Arnav Kapur MIT Media Lab:
A 27-year-old Delhi-born Arnav Kapur student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has developed an AI tool called “AlterEgo” that helps people to give instructions without saying something and without doing any physical movement. The tool basically gets instruction through the neural signal that happens in our mind.
According to MIT, “AlterEgo is a non-invasive, wearable, peripheral neural interface that allows humans to converse in natural language with machines, artificial intelligence assistants, services, and other people without any voice-without opening their mouth, and without externally observable movements-simply by articulating words internally.”
Order Pizza with Brain and Ai: Watch The Episode on 60 Minutes:
Arnav has developed this tool in the form of a headset that can read our minds without saying or without doing any physical movement. The device prototype debuted in 2018. This is a very amazing AI tool in fact people can order a pizza or a subway without any conversation after wearing the device.
Well, if you are thinking that how this device works and how it gets the instructions then let me tell you that this device captures peripheral neural movements when internal speech articulators are activated during a user’s internal pronunciation of words.
There is also a video going viral on the internet nowadays from the show called “60 Minutes” so in that video, the interviewer asked the question to Arnav and he responded instantly without saying a single word with the help of AlterEgo. The interviewer then exclaims “You have the entire internet in your head”.