Alex Galchenyuk Arrest Video: In July 2023, Ice Hockey Center player, Alex Galchenyuk was arrested for hit and run and for threatening police officers. The video footage of the incident has been captured by bodycam. Let’s check the full video.

Alex Galchenyuk Arrest Video Reddit
Former NHL player, Alex Galchenyuk’s video is making rounds on the internet, in the video, all the talks and behavior with police officers are shown after being arrested for hit and run, disorderly conduct, failure to obey, resisting arrest, and threatening police officers. He begged guilty to the threat charge and all others were dropped.
Alex Galchenyuk Full Bodycam Footage
A Bodycam footage of former Arizona Coyotes forward Alex Galchenyuk’s hit-and-run detention displays the moment he made threats against officers and hurled racial slurs.
The former NHL player said during his July 9 arrest. “Drop me off right f****** here and all your families will live forever.”
“All your f****** kids, all your f****** wives, all your f****** daughters will f******* die,” he said in the video.
The video footage has been released this week after he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor threat charge.
Alex Galchenyuk Threats Police
During the incident, Alex Galchenyuk, 29, hopped a curb in a parking lot and hit another motorcar, the authority said. When he was arrested he went on to use racial slurs. Galchenyuk asked a question to the officer, how long they’d been an officer. “Eight years,” the officer says.
Alex replied, “You understand I’ll chop all of your d**** off, right?” an officer asked him to repeat and he said, “You heard me.”
“You can not threaten me and then start reaching for stuff,” an officer says as he pulls Galchenyuk to the sidewalk from the car.
Galchenyuk states he did not threaten the officer, but then adds, “I’ll chop your neck off.” an officer says, “Let’s not make any threats to us.”
Why was Russian Hockey Player Alex Galchenyuk Arrested?
Former Coyotes player Alex Galchenyuk was charged in July 2023. During the arrest, he made multiple threats toward police officers.
When Russian Hockey player Alex Galchenyuk was arrested, he said, “Bro, I’m a professional hockey player.” A police officer says, “Why do you keep threatening me and my family?” Galchenyuk says, “I’m not threatening you.”
After a week, he issued an apology letter for his wrongdoings, The letter begins,
‘My behavior last week was deeply offensive, uncalled for, horrendous, embarrassing, disrespectful, and just plain awful,’ the letter begins. “I let you all down and I am truly sorry. While this behavior after drinking alcohol is not representative of who I am, I do have to take responsibility for it.”
“My actions have cost me my chance to do what I love, play professional hockey.”
“I was very much looking forward to starting my life with my wife here in Arizona, playing alongside some of the best in the NHL and entertaining the incredible fan base the Coyotes have built here.”
“By checking myself into the NHL/NHLPA Assistance Program, I hope to get the help I need and to ensure I never make a mistake like this again.”
‘”Gain, I am sorry I let you down and I hope over time and with hard work, I can show all of you I am a better person than this horrendous moment.”