Aldi Horsemeat Scandal: In the food industry, we remember 2013’s horsemeat scandal. There were various amounts of horsemeat found in groceries in Europe.

Aldi Horsemeat Scandal 2023
The Aldi horsemeat scandal occurred in 2013 when Aldi’s beef products contained 100% of horsemeat in groceries. It is illegal to sell horsemeat in groceries and restaurants because it is not acceptable in several religious like Hindu and Muslim and more.
The Food Standards Agency Ireland (FSAI) tested a range of frozen food in 2012 it was shown several DNS like cow, pig, and hoarse. After some time in January 2013, FSAI again tested frozen food, where they found horsemeat in the form of beef products in groceries.
After that the scandal was cleared and several sellers were arrested in this case. Nowadays, people are very aware of buying beef food after this scandal.
Aldi Confirms up to 100 Horsemeat?
Aldi became the supermarket when it confirmed that its beef products contained a hundred percent quantity of horsemeat. Afterward, the horsemeat contained food withdrawn from the market.
Aldi Selling Lasagne Beef?
Yes, Aldi is selling lasagne beef. You can buy beef products online from Aldi. But, Aldi does not sell horsemeat in its beef products since the scandal came to light.
On 15 January 2013, the FSAI advised the five retailers concerned, Aldi, Tesco, Dunnes Stores, Lidl, and Iceland, of their findings.